Monday, November 29, 2010

A Death Notice for Obituaries?

"An obit is, to be sure, a courtesy to the bereaved. In reading a published account of the heroics and losses, the trials or triumphs, and especially the redemptive experiences of a loved one, family and friends are reinforced in their knowledge that the loss was a punctuation mark on a life lived in earnest."

From "obit"

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hmmm, there's more to this story ...

Jack Sullivan was a lover of family, friends, and Budwiser. He could be counted on to help a friend or even a stranger in need; it didn't matter if it was a ride to the airport or a doctor's office, digging a trench for a utility hook up, or even moving a boat under the cover of darkness.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Yes, yes we will (a good pair of shoes?)

We will miss Mommy Kuhn, her love of garden tomatoes, a good pair of shoes, and her singing of, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" at the kitchen sink.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The world needs more Theodore Kheels

He was described as “the most influential peacemaker in New York City in the last half-century” and the “master locksmith of deadlock bargaining.”

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aw, that's kind of cute, no?

She enjoyed golf and her crowing achievement was a Hole in One at Silverado Golf Club, which resulted in the shriek heard around the world.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fame did not elude her

Mrs. Goetz enjoyed poetry, music, puzzles and bingo. She once won honorable mention in a nationwide poetry contest held by the former Springfield Journal for her poem titled "Vermont".

Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Parenthetically speaking

Her character and her life were marked by elegance, intelligence, decency, humor (occasionally of the banana peel variety), love of reading, and quiet dignity.

Friday, November 5, 2010

What is that heavenly aroma?

In her usual generous style, she presented a pan of her famous lasagna to her Heavenly Father. Requesting the assistance of His Beloved Son, God the Father directed that the earthly gift of lasagna be blessed and distributed to the multitudes. Saint Peter, working on his third helping and thanking God for Jesus' "miracle," was overheard saying, "finally, we got someone who can cook!"

H/T to blog follower Margaret!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thinker and tinkerer: Good combo!

He was a thinker and tinkerer. He could rebuild an engine or design and build a shed. He liked fixing or repurposing things and solving problems, as well as tutoring math when asked. Charlie was a good Samaritan, a fair man and gentleman, and he could make you laugh out loud with his one-liners that he seemed able to pull out of the air.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

He passed into "the great mystery"

Bob came from a bloodline with an unusually strong constitution that unless shortened by cancer or hard liquor could easily live until their 90's without problem. Sadly had it not been for the Asbestosis he was exposed to while working his trade there is no doubt he could have racked up another dozen years of "good" life.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

She attended Stonington High School, where she excelled in typing and was awarded the gold pin for being a champion typist.